We are delighted that the Château de Chantilly Multisport Event will be endorsed by the Fédération Française de Triathlon.
What event are you participating in?
Triathlon / DuathlonSwimRun
Do you hold a FFTri Competition licence?
Upload an image of your COMPETITION licence card to your Active account.
1. No medical certificate is required.
2. If you are under 18 years on race day, you will also need to upload a Parental Consent form to your Active account.
Do you hold a COMPETITION licence from one of these countries?
UK | Germany | Belgium | Spain | Italy | Luxembourg | Netherlands | Portugal | Switerland | Slovakia | Czech Repulblic
Click here to obtain a FFT Day Pass, FREE OF CHARGE!
1. The Day licence must be uploaded to your Active account.
2. The Day Licence includes a medical questionnaire, therefore a medical certificate is NOT required.
3. If you are under 18 years on race day, you will also need to upload a Parental Consent form to your Active account.
Click here to purchase your FFT Day Pass.
Do you hold a FFN Licence (Fédération française de natation) or FFTri Competition licence ?
NEW IN 2025!
Please complete the online Health form and uploaded the confirmation to your Active account.
1. No additional medial certiciate is required.
Please press the submit button below and we will be in touch shortly.
Parental Consent Form
Active login
FFTri Day Pass
Run Health form
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